Mr. M at 9yrs old *Colorado Springs Children Photographer*

Happy Friday everyone. Today's a special post because I'm showcasing a very special son! He turned 9 last month and we did a quick photoshoot to commemorate his birthday. Here's a few of my faves....

we just got this book for him. He's been reading a lot this Summer and this photo will capture some of that sweet moments of reading/discovery/learning for him.

If you ask me what is my favorite thing to photograph, my answer would be the eyes. I love, love, love M's eyes, it sparkles and shines all the time, just like him. :)

Here he is hanging out with a "bear" friend while reading more of his Star Wars book.

I added this to the mix to show reality in this post. This is a side effect of having a mom for a photographer. :)

and of course we will end it with in a high note with this photo.

Love you lots...from Mama.

*Book your children photography session me through the contact tab on the right side of this bar or call me at 562-716-8568

Signing off,


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