Camping Trip *Colorado Springs Children Photographer*

About two weeks ago the family and I decided to go camping. We are big camping people when we were back in California. We loved the outdoors and being able to spend sometime away from the busyness of life. When we moved here in Colorado, camping was at the top of our "must do" list but we all know that even with the best intentions, life happens and things just gets put in the back burner.

Well the week that we had planned to go, the kids were on their Spring break and my husband got some days off work so we took that as a sign that the camping gods were giving us the green light. :)

I took a lot of photos and even tried the video capability of my new camera. I have to say that the Nikon D7000 has a pretty cool live camera capacity. It's clear, crisp and the sound is pretty good too.

Here are some of my favorite images from the trip...

this photo was shot at midday thus you can see a lot of extreme lights and darks. I still like it though cause it shows the serenity of the forest.
I was very inspired by the textures around our camping site as well. I love how with a wide aperture I was able to capture the bumps and lumps of this tree bark.
While hiking I came across this cut tree. I love the details of the cracks beginning at the center. Soo cool!
and of course I can't resist taking photos of the kiddos with some great backgrounds....

see that hiking stick? My husband made each of us one. We can't hike without them.

my favorite photo of the trip. I love how this photo really signifies my daughter's glee about the trip. Despite hair undone and unkept, face kinda dirty from all the outdoor playing and some teeth missing (she's 6 and her baby teeth are just falling off left and right), there's a certain "I'm so content here in the forest, having a blast with my family" type of smile. I totally agree with her!

So have you taken a family vacation lately? Can't get away, try a "staycation". Either way, make sure you capture those wonderful moments in some photographs, you'll children will thank you later.

Signing off,


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