Gratitude Photo Scavenger Hunt (part 1)
Happy Monday everyone. So as part of "my job" I take lots of photos. Lots and lots and sometimes you loose the beauty of the the craft because it becomes redundant. That's why after seeing my friend's blog post about this challenge that she's participating, I have decided to play along. Not only does this challenge, get me to shoot with a different "intention" in mind, it also makes me aware of the many blessings I recieve on a daily basis.
If you would like to participate, click over here.
Here's my photos so far....

#6 Hard- I had picked these pumpkins because their exterior is hard. And I'm grateful for them because these Jack-o-lanterns were one of the few fall traditions that I share with my children. We carve them together and any "together" time is something worth being grateful for.
#9 In my kitchen- I picked my Crockpot because lately with all of our busy schedule, having a nutritious, delicious and hot meal ready for dinner is a great blessing. I intentionally left the little bits of food smudges on it to show reality. It's not going to be dirty if it's not being used and I wanted to emphasize that part.
#14 Entertains me- I picked our growing collection of board games because (a) it does entertain our whole family, especially when the game gets heated and everyone gets competitive and (b) it's one of those inexpensive ways my family enjoy "time" together. When we don't have anything going on and everyone's at home we usually break open one of our games. Right now our favorite is Cadoo and Monopoly.
#27Fall/Thanksgiving decor- I feel like I haven't really built up enough decorations to showcase but I do love, love, love this setup on top of one of my kitchen cabinets. I love the vignette/cluster of some of my favorite collections like my trays and white milk glass containers. Having that fall themed vine go through the shelf adds a pop of color and season.
#15 Something unique to me- This is one of those little things that makes me feel so blessed. Apart from having a photography business, I'm also very active in the Papercrafting publishing world. These magazines have a project of mine in every one of them and that makes me feel so grateful for a passion for memory preservation that I not only can share with my family but also to all those that love this great art form like I do.
#29 Something that keeps me healthy and strong- Yoga was foreign to me until about 3 years ago. Now I LOVE to do it and try to do it least twice a week. I especially love the stretching part which helps me stay flexible and limber. I have not perfected the poses yet but I feel this makes me healthy and strong and I'm grateful for the moments in the day when I can practice yoga.
#28- Something that gets me here and there- At first, I contemplated in taking a photo of my car's steering wheel but after some thought, I went with my favorite sneakers. Both my mother and hubby had told me to retire these torn, dirty and run down shoes but I feel so close to these shoes that I can't give them up, just not yet! They're like a really good friend to me, even after going to the store and trying out some new pairs, I can't help but compare the new ones to this pair. None of the new ones can't come close to the comfort and ease of wear I get from these shoes. Now that's enough shoe talk for today!

So that's my first batch. Still have about 23 more items/photos to hunt for.
Thanks for stopping by and Have a great start of the week.
Signing off,
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